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Morpheus, Pharoah,
Yagrmstr, LegendX, Kefka, Mr-X, Reppas, trueno, Metavark, Bfitz, Robocop, Anduril, Pieaux,
War, Cheez, Sung, _michman, Scrooge, Mortal, jerji, OldManQ, _scorp, The_O, Optiknerv,
Sniperman, LyubM, Dasein, and Diino.
Burning Blade is one of the oldest and best online gaming clans around. Our
leader Morpheus began the clan in late June of 1996. I joined in September of
that year. Burning Blade is centered around Efnet IRC, and most of us use
Macintoshes. We began as a Warcraft II clan, but we have since branched out into
other games, such as Avara, Quake, Myth, and now Starcraft. You can read about the
clan in the History of the Burning Blade, written by
Morpheus. Also check out my page full of BB logos.
Please don't ask to join the clan -- membership is by
invitation only. We have known each other for years and there is no way we'd invite
just anyone off the street. That said, please feel free to hang out with us and our
friends on battle.net, in channel BB. Our channel bot BB-Winters will greet you and give you all
sorts of helpful information. Channel BB is the place to be if you are looking for a
good game against skilled opposition...see you there!
Check out the RL Greet List to see which BBers have met in Real
The Burning Blade Message Board is up and running. Email me for the URL.
Burning Blade glossary:
- .¿. -- the three-eyed guy. :)
- Da Blade -- what people phear.
- Dance -- a tactical troop movement (unite, split, merry-go-round, lure, delay) which
increases your combat effectiveness by allowing your troops to take on smaller numbers of
the enemy at a time. Perfected by War (see his article for
more info).
- Emag -- a game containing two or more BB members. Also: let's play now now now!
- Enforcer -- teammate that kills the enemy's base while the enemy's troops are out
beating on the punchingbag (see Punchingbag)
- Foolio -- see Iriot
- Future Point -- a very cool company which does the Macintosh conversions of Blizzard's
- Gnooo! -- something shouted in times of distress. Oh gnooooooo!
- HOBB -- the History of the Burning Blade.
- Iriot -- a dolt, someone who does something stupid.
- MUD -- an evil, evil thing. Enter at your own risk.
- 0rz -- a suffix, which does not change the meaning of the word to which it is attached.
"This sux0rz!"
- Phear --
what we inspire in the hearts
of our opponents. Phear us!
- Pktunit -- a rare bug from early versions of Mac Warcraft II. Former #burningblade
channel key.
- Punchingbag -- teammate that gets hit repeatedly, drawing out the enemy's troops while
the enforcer goes to kill the enemy base (see Enforcer)
- Rush -- an early attack by a few basic infantry, such as grunts (Warcraft) or zealots
(Starcraft), in which the attacker sacrifices his economy by making troops instead of
- Storm -- a sustained, continuous early attack by overwhelming numbers of basic infantry,
made without sacrificing workers. A storm can be sustained because the attacker has
a booming economy back home. Storms take a smidge longer than rushes, but the troop
output is much higher.
- Wewp! -- more intense version of woo (see below).
- Winters -- our laggy but lovable little bots, for IRC and battle.net.
- Woo -- general-purpose positive interjection. Some possible meanings are: hello;
I'm doing fine; yes; that's cool; awesome; we just won a game; that was fun; I'm happy; BB
rules; etc. The more o's in the woo, the more intense the emotion.
Long live the Burning Blade!
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