Robocop's Starcraft Page

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Welcome to my Starcraft page.  It is not a news-based site.  Instead you will find information on Starcraft and Brood War from my perspective as a Zerg player and clan member.   Try to have a good time. :)

I am known as BB-Robocop on  I'm a member of Clan Burning Blade and as such you will probably find me in a game with my clanmates or relaxing and chatting in channel BB.   If you want more information about me, check out my home page.  Please mail me if you have comments about my Starcraft page.

If you are looking for Winters Bot, go to its new home site at Starcraft Legacy.

There are five sections in my Starcraft page:

Use this button to link to this site

What's new:

10/25/00: This page is now dead.  :)  Clan Burning Blade has moved to

7/19/99: This page is in a state of semi-hibernation.  I'll keep the Burning Blade section current.  I'll attempt to update the links section every now and again.

Old news

hits since 6/2/98

[ Main ]  [ Burning Blade Clan ]  [ Zerg Tips ]  [ Maps ]  [ Stories ]  [ Links ]