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[2/14/99, The Hunters]
Lyubm and I were looking for blood on The Hunters, and a couple of guys named znsx and
.Mago0. joined our game. I got Zerg at top left and Loobie got Terran, top right.
I did my hatch-two-before-lord order and Loob went for tanks. We scouted
around and found znsx playing Terran at bottom left, and Magoo as Protoss at bottom right.
Since the two-hatch order takes a while to get going, and Loob's factories also
needed a little time to start churning, we didn't have a rush. However, our scouts
soon noticed the enemy sending marines and zealots to the center. We knew one of us
was going to get doubled but we didn't know which one. I already had two sunkens,
but I started churning zerglings from my two hatches and I sent one ling to the center to
try to find out which of us was going to get smacked. The ling died halfway to the
middle and I knew I was going to get hit. I made two more colonies and kept making
lings. By the time I got hit I had about 24 lings, two sunkens and two in-progress
creep colonies. The enemy had about 6-8 zealots and 10-12 marines. My two
sunkens were well protected behind my hatches and spawning pool. The zealots tried
to walk around to the sunkens but they ran into my lings. The zealots went down hard
while the marines pounded my sunkens from range. When the zealots were dead I took
my 14 or so surviving lings and went after the marines, but by then they were mostly dead
from the sunken attacks (no medics). I lost only about 10 lings and a sunken during
the entire attack. Loob and I both knew what to do next -- we sent everything
immediately to Magoo's undefended Protoss town. Magoo died hard and surrendered.
By this time Loob was pumping tanks out of three factories, and taking down znsx's
base was a piece of cake (see screen shot).
[1/3/99, Sherwood Forest]
Scrooge and I were playing a 2v2 Brood War game on Sherwood. Two guys named
YewShmuck and Imasterbate24-7 joined. I was Zerg and scouted with a probe. I
found YewShmuck and wondered whether offensive sunkens would work. I backed off a
bit, made a hatch and started pumping out drones and sunkens. I crept closer and it
worked like a champ. :) YewShmuck was effectively out of the game. Meanwhile
master had expanded all over, putting up cannons like nobody's business. He was
really quick with the psi storm and it took us a very long time to beat him. But he
never attacked. He was surprised that he lost, claiming that it was his first defeat
ever. In my book offense always beats defense in the long run. Oh yeah, then
he disconnected on us. :(
[12/29/98, The Hunters] The
Mac beta testers were finally set loose upon the public Battle.net servers. My old
partner and clan leader (and Mac Starcraft beta tester) BB-Morpheus showed up in channel
BB. Back in the day Morph and I used to cause untold phear among the dwellers of
#macwarcraft, but we hadn't played together for a year. Would the Morph/Robo team
still work? :) We set up a 2v2 on hunterz (nobody joins non-hunterz games anymore,
sigh) and avengeangel and babo... showed up. I got red Zerg at bottom middle and
Morph got brown Terran, top middle. We scouted and found avengeangel turtling in at
bottom right. We soon found babo, playing white Toss, at upper right. We
decided to take out babo first and save the terran for later. We both expanded.
Morph had his academy, refinery and comsat going in record time. He comsatted
babo and saw that he was making zealots only, and lots of them. We decided to take
out the zealots with firebats and hydras. We met up and attacked, Morph's bats
leading the way. The attack was smooth and we took out all the zealots with few
losses (screen shot). Babo left the game and we camped out on avengeangel's
doorstep. I went for guardians and Morph went for tanks and wraiths. Morph
pushed with tanks and I covered him with hydras. Then my guardians hatched and I
attacked. The guards took out much of the choke point defense when they were hit by
several battlecruisers. But Morph swooped in with cloaked wraiths and the defense
collapsed. Neither of our opponents was very good, but even if they had been, they
stood no chance. The teamwork flowed just like in the old days -- we predicted each
others' moves and automatically worked together. It was as if there was only one
army, not two. The strategic comsats, the bat/hydra attack, the tank/hydra push, the
guardian/wraith attack -- each was executed perfectly. Welcome back, Morpheus.
[11/12/98, Close Encounters] I finally managed to find
Metavark in the Brood War beta channel. We hosted a 2v2, and ExecutorZileas and
_Cain, two very skilled players, joined us. We all went random; I got Zerg at bottom
right, Meta got Terran, left middle. After some scouting we all found each other;
Zileas was Toss (top right) and Cain was Terran (bottom left). At this beta patch,
sunken colonies were godly: 35 normal damage per strike, at a very fast attack rate.
I did the normal Zerg build for this patch, which was to make a few sunkens and go
for hydras. Meta was making marines and he had a bunker. Cain and Zileas sent
a little attack at me, which my first few hydras repulsed (well, actually it was the
sunkens). Meta had started sending some help, and that must be how his force missed
Cain's, because suddenly Cain and Meta had marines in each others' bases! Meta got
the better of this trade and it was the beginning of the end for Cain. After I saw
the layout of Cain's base, I was able to guide hydras and lings around his bunker and
straight into his worker fields. After a few of these attacks (with more marines
from Meta), Cain lifted off and flew to the plateau between his former town and my main
base. Zileas was dropping reavers on us by this point, and doing quite a bit of
damage, but he was not able to perform a knockout strike, as our turrets/spores and
marines/hydras were just barely able to keep us alive. Zileas was expanding to
various plateaus and he had cannons and reavers to protect his main base. I selected
a lot of hydras and made them patrol the entire length of the map. The patrollers
really helped us -- many shuttles went down to this tactic (as did the occasional floating
building). With Zileas' drops neutralized, Meta and I expanded and climbed the tech
tree. Cain recovered but Meta was huge by then, and Meta took him out of the game.
I was making adrenallings (Brood War makes adrenal glands very worthwhile to
research) and guardians. I spread the guardians out to minimize psi storm damage and
sent them to gradually erase Zileas' bases, while the lings harrassed him at home.
Eventually he surrendered. It was a hard-fought and satisfying victory for BB, but
kudos go to Cain and Zileas for showing skill in battle and graciousness in defeat.
[11/9/98, Close Encounters] Bob Fitch wanted BB to join the
Brood War beta test, so I collected names and addresses and a bunch of us got the beta
CDs. The beta test has been a blast so far, with all sorts of new units, plus big
modifications to existing units, and new maps and tilesets. One day my BB clanmate
Lyubm and I were playing a game on a cool Twilight map called Close Encounters. I
was Protoss and Lyubm was Zerg. After killing off the first of our two opponents, we
went to work on Canyonero, who was playing Terran. I saved a screen shot of Lyubm
eliminating him via my favorite method...you guessed it, infestation. :)
[9/15/98, Island Hop] I had spent the past two days learning
how to play island games. Since I was just tweaking a build order, I wasn't too
concerned about the quality of the opposition. On my umpteenth Island Hop game I
played a newbie named BRCHZI -- I knew he was a newbie because he said "no
rush." He started top center (I was bottom right) and never got off his island.
He sent out only two dropships, and they both went directly into my main mutalisk
force. Eventually I got guardians and took out his base, but he flew out his command
center. I could have easily destroyed it, but I just love ending games via
infestation, so I let it live. I made 3 queens while he flew to a nearby island; the
results are pictured. The big green blobs by his former home island are (from top
left) my mutalisks, guardians and overlords. BRCHZI had only three kills the whole
game. :) :)
[7/5/98, Char Magma] Meta, Perry and I set up a 3v5 on Char
Magma. This guy named Malice~161 was lagging in the chatroom. Red bars in the
chatroom are common and don't always mean the game will lag. But this time they did.
The lag was terrible, just awful. I could hardly ally or talk. Malice
kept coming up on the drop screen. We told him to leave but he wouldn't. He
wouldn't even admit he lagged. I even got a shot of him on the drop screen claming
that he doesn't lag! What an idiot. Anyway the three of us killed his base
first thing but he flew a command center away. He hovered over the magma the ENTIRE
GAME lagging everyone out while we finished his teammates. He wouldn't surrender or
admit that he was at fault. The sheer amount of lameness he showed was unbelievable.
This is a case where one person can ruin the game for everyone. I will
certainly yell at him if I ever see him again.
[6/29/98, Green Valleys]
Meta (as BeerM@n) and I played a 2v2v2 on Green Valleys. We kicked everyone's butts
as usual. The last enemy survivor (KaptainKrunch) was holed up in his little Terran
turtle. I parasited the tanks. Meta nuked the front lines, then nuked the back
lines, then nuked the peons, then nuked the barracks. Our troops came in and
finished the job, except for a flying burning command center. On the left you see
that my queen has acquired her prey. On the right you see the result and Kaptain's
reaction. Another elimination by infestation! We had fun aftwards using all of
Meta's leftover nukes on our own troops. :)
[6/29/98, Cyclone] DrBob (a.k.a. Bealzebob) and I were playing a few fun
2v2's on odd maps tonight. Bob picked Cyclone and hosted the game; dmartin and
bocugrande[SK] showed up. Bob and I went random; we got Protoss and Zerg and ended
up at bottom left and bottom right. Cyclone is basically a four-way rush map and
that's how we played it. We met near bocugrande's base (top right) and went in on
him with zerglings and zealots. We had taken down bocu's zerglings, drones and hall
by the time dmartin showed up with a marine force. Then we hit top left with a
little weak scouting attack; dmartin was pumping marines and he had bunkers. Our
next wave was a big group of zealots and hydras and the base went down. Before he
died, dmartin got off a little raid on Bob, but we emerged ok. Then we started
cleaning up the rest of bocugrande's town and the little expansion he had made while his
main town was being gutted. Bocu started whining for an allied victory. We
declined, then eliminated him. Bob and I played and won another game afterwards. :)
[6/25/98, Char Magma] Yagr, MetaVark and I were bored of
winning 3v5 games so we decided to have a little fun. We set up a 3v3 on Char.
I was to do a normal Protoss game. But Yagr was going to go all ultras and Meta
decided to go all nukes! So Knightz, Lt.Kaneda and HeavyAssault joined. I was
the only one with any offense through the early stages, and I pretty much took out
Lt.Kaneda with a giant zealot force (with a couple of ultras for moral support). We
stalled for a while, waiting for the nukes to come up. Soon Yagr had 9 ultras and we
hit Knightz with a giant zealot/reaver/ultra force. You can see from the screen shot
what a newbie he must have been. Unfortunately Yagr dropped soon after we began the
assault. Meta then came in with the nukes and soon Knightz was but a memory.
HeavyAssault also gave us no trouble. It was a slightly fun diversion anyway...
[6/22/98, Sherwood Forest] I started a 4-way FFA on Sherwood;
I was top left. After initial scouting I found Fokker top right, SS_DeathSquad right
middle and Capitols77 at bottom middle. Fokker and DeathSquad were Terran, Capitols
Protoss. Left middle was empty. I was moving along, making Zerglings,
expanding (top middle), starting on hydras when along came Fokker's big Marine army.
It was enormously big and it swept my zerglings away -- while I had been expanding
and starting on tech, he had been going hard marines. Anyway, I decided to go ahead
and lose my main base. I quit building troops there and put up an extra hatchery and
spawning pool at my expansion. When Fokker's troops got through the outer buildings
at my main base I burrowed all the workers there. Soon the base was gone. I
expanded again just below my main base (but not left middle) and continued secretly
building. Fokker was puzzled when I wasn't eliminated and he left my main base.
I unburrowed the workers and rebuilt the hatchery there. Eventually Fokker
found my top middle expansion and attacked. I wasn't yet strong enough to beat that
off so I burrowed the workers and let the buildings go. Again I wasn't eliminated
and Fokker asked how many towns did I have anyway? I had two towns (top left and
upper mid left) and they were starting to pump hydras (although I didn't tell this to
Fokker). Somewhere in here DeathSquad dropped. I had still not heard a peep
from Capitols77. Fokker found my rebuilt main with an expansion SCV. He had
still not expanded (I know because I had spied the mines with burrowed zerglings early on)
and was presumably getting low on minerals. He took his troops from top middle
(those that had killed my expansion there) and went toward my main; as soon as he was gone
I unburrowed a drone and rebuilt the hatch at top middle. By now I had four
hatcheries pumping hydras from my other two towns. I barely managed to beat off the
attack at my main. He sent another wave which I defeated in the open field.
Then he again took out top middle with marines and firebats. It was acceptable
because I had again expanded, this time to left middle. Fokker was talking to
Capitols77 in some kinda of odd code....he kept mentioning "Operation
Sock." I couldn't be sure they were colluding but it seemed suspicious.
Anyway Capitols answered back and sent a fleet of six carriers from bottom middle to my
main at top left. In response I sent all my forces to bottom middle. The
carriers pretty much wiped out top left except for a spawning pool and extractor, but I
burrowed the drones and rebuilt the buildings elsewhere, and expanded to lower mid left.
He then sent the carriers to upper mid left, but the joke was on him as by this
time his town was mostly gone. During the assault I was building hydras at upper mid
left and managed to defeat all the carriers with no buildings or drones lost. My
attack force then elminiated Capitols. Meanwhile Fokker had expanded to top middle
(where he had killed my expansion twice). I sent everything there and took it out.
Fokker had no other expansion and was running out of options. I killed an
expansion attempt at right middle, in DeathSquad's old base. Fokker sent 5
battlecruisers to upper mid left. I couldn't get there in time to save the town.
Then he went to left middle but I had my hydras there. Let me tell you there
is not a sight more sweet than watching your enormous hydra force save your town from a
big stack of BCs. After the cruisers were eliminated, Fokker sent his base defenders
at me: lots of marines and goliaths. I managed to defeat this out in the middle.
I had two towns left and was starting a third at bottom right. Fokker had no
expansion and his main had run out long ago. He surrendered.
[6/18/98, The Hunters] Yagr and I have started playing 2v3
games a lot because 2v2 is just too easy. We started one on Hunters and JSS_4-4,
NYruler, and Ownah joined us. I was top middle and Yagr was left middle. I
sent my overlord to top right and found NYruler's Protoss base. When I got zerglings
I sent them around, discovering Ownah at top left and JSS at bottom middle. Yagr
suggested hitting Ownah at top left. While I waited for his zealots to arrive, Ownah
hit me with a few zerglings. Mine were scouting but the few I had plus Yagr's one
zealot took care of it. Ownah then started shouting for help (he hadn't set messages
correctly), even though we hadn't attacked anything yet. Yagr and I gathered our
forces and hit Ownah, killing his troops and workers and starting on his buildings.
Ownah was screaming bloody murder the whole time. NYruler finally sent about 9 or 10
zealots from top right to help. I had overlords stationed along the route and I
watched the zealots go across my entrance and into Ownah's town. His zealots were
plenty to kill off our surviving attackers, but he should have attacked me because I had
only about a dozen zerglings in my town. But he didn't, and as I watched the zealots
go by I sent my dozen toward NYruler's town. Yagr was already halfway there with a
zealot force. I right-clicked my zerglings on NYruler's worker line and watched as
Yagr's zealots engaged the little force that NYruler had left on the outskirts of his
town. My zerglings ran right through that battle and stopped in the peon line.
The screen shot above is what NYruler's town looked like two minutes later. We
mopped up the rest of Ownah and then took out JSS's Protoss town pretty quickly, but the
killer blow was the great hit on NYruler's mostly empty base. :)
[6/5/98, Homeworld] Metavark and I started a 2v2 and taedal
and JeftGordon joined. I was left center and Meta was bottom right. I scouted
the top and right sides and didn't find anything. Then a little group of yellow
zergling hit me. I dealt with it and continued to scout. Soon I found taedal's
red Protoss base at bottom left, just below me. My scout noticed a big force of
zealots heading toward me. I told Meta about it and gathered all my zerglings in my
town, and started pumping a bunch more. The zealots came and we battled just to the
northwest of my town. Then a big stream of yellow zerglings hit me through my
northeast entrance. I diverted some zerglings and sent the ones I had just created,
and pumped more. I told Meta to hit taedal. I kept pumping; soon the zealots
were dead and I moved the victorious zerglings to help fight the yellow guys that kept
coming in. No more zealots arrived because Metavark was dismantling taedal's town.
I held on and eventually all the yellow zerglings were dead, and taedal was
eliminated. It was the classic punchingbag/enforcer. Together we rolled over
JeftGordon's town for the victory.
[5/25/98, Lost Temple] I
was in the mood for a ladder FFA (don't know why; they're resetting it in a few days) so I
started a 4-way game on Lost Temple. I was left side and I send my overlord to
bottom. Muhammed was there and was apparently skipping zerglings and heading for
hydras, so I ran in with a bunch of zerglings, killed his 3 hydras, and he surrendered.
I expanded and built up and after one failed attempt took out g1i1b1 on the right
side. By this time I was huge and I owned the map except for Cerator's base and
expansion at the top. He was a typical turtling Terran and he had missile towers
lining the edges of his base, with tanks in between and bunkers at the entrance. It
took a while, but I made 4 extractors and got a bunch of guardians, mutas, hydras,
zerglings, scourge and four queens. I parasited his entire defense net. When I
was ready I started pounding his front door with guardians, taking out the science vessel
with scourge and beating on the battlecruisers with mutas. I started sending in the
ground troops and I cast broodling on three of his tanks. Two of my little broodings
got killed but I used the others to take out his back-yard missile towers while my army
slowly advanced through his town (left screen shot). Next I hit his expansion with
guardians. He managed to fly his command center away but I scourged it and then
infested it to end the game (right screen shot). Not much of a challenge, but I got
some nice pictures. :) :)
[5/25/98, The Hunters] War, MetaVark and I couldn't get anything going
in #kali so War just hosted a game and left all eight slots open. Sure, enough, five
people showed up and we played the 3 on 5. The map was Hunters; I was bottom left,
War was top right and MetaVark was top center. OverDark~SoV~ was to my right and we
send overlords to each others' bases. This was making me a little nervous (it was 3
on 5 after all) so I convinced Meta and War to hit him first. I sent in 8 zerglings,
meeting and killing his six as they were leaving his base. The rest of the BB
triple-team soon arrived and OverDark was eliminated. We immediately ran to top
left, as Meta wanted to expand there. Dr.Sly had a little expansion going already
and we wasted that without much trouble. As we were killing off his main base to
eliminate him, War got hit by a double team of zealots from Smack-Daddy and tab@rnac.
He told us that he could survive if we hit his attackers. So I ran all my
remaining zerglings to right middle, where I assumed I could hit someone. It turned
out to be Smack-Daddy's base, and all his zealots had just left to go hit War again.
I took out all his probes and his nexus before he managed to get back and kill my
zerglings. Just about this time, War hit tab@rnac at bottom right with six zealots,
taking out all of his probes. tab decided to disconnect at this point (lamer).
War was hurt, but his attackers had run back home when they got hit, leaving him
alive and able to rebuild. It was the classic punchingbag/enforcer technique
perfected by Tool and Michman back in the War2 days. :) Anyway I was trying to
expand when Master'sGen, the only opponent we hadn't hit yet, diverted his big
zealot/dragoon force away from trying to save tab and into my main base. I had used
up all my zerglings crippling Smack, and spent all my money on the new expansion (which
died). But I did manage to make just a few more zerglings, which delayed Master'sGen
long enough for MetaVark to send in the marines and save my little Zerg butt. About
this time Smack realized that with no probes and no nexus he wasn't going to be able to do
much, and he surrendered. Both War and I were hurt, but MetaVark was huge; he camped
outside Master'sGen's base with a big pile of marines. Master was making excuses
about his lousy partners, and how we were just stupid rushers (lamer). Meta got fed
up and killed him. And that, my friends, is the story of how BB won a 3v5 on
Hunters. :)
[5/21/98, Green Valleys] I
joined an FFA on Green Valleys. The others were SkinnedYak (z, top center), Siege-X
(t, top right, also note misspelling :), and MORBID (p, bottom right). I was bottom
center. I sent my overlord right and found MORBID; he sent a probe and found me. :)
He sent a few zealots to my base but I had enough zerglings to deal with it.
He sent more and I dealt with them. After one more attack I was fed up so I sent all
my zerglings and hydras over to his base and took him out. :) Just before he was
eliminated he told everyone to watch out for me. So much for pretending to be
weak. I expanded to the little gas mine in my valley and also at bottom left,
pumping hydras like a crazy person the whole time. I had zerglings at most of the
mines watching for expansions. Soon SkinnedYak made a move for the small expansion
in his valley. I sent all my hydras there. He had a great hydra force too and
we battled; there were so many hydras on both sides that it was several minutes before the
carnage ended. Eventually, all mine were dead and he had about 5 or 6 left. I
had been building while we fought (1sh2sh3sh!!!) and I sent the next wave in as soon as
the first was defeated. This time he couldn't stop it and I rolled over his
expansion and his main base too. He had a plateau expansion because he wasn't
eliminated. I started going air and I found the expansion just left of his main
base. There were a lot of spore colonies so I made guardians (I had to get some more
gas mines going for that). I sent in the guardians with mutalisk backup and took out
his expansion, but just as I was finishing it off a big group of mutas came in and killed
my entire flyer force. I started overlord-lifting hydras to the plateau to kill his
other expansions (one of which I had located with a queen). To make a long story
short, SkinnedYak expanded many, many times on the plateau (lots of gas up there) and made
such an enormous force of VERY-well-controlled mutalisks that I couldn't defeat him.
The hydra swarms just couldn't beat back 20, 30, 40 mutalisks at a time.
Eventually his muta force was so big he started taking out my expansions one by one (I had
five) and I started running low on gas. If there had been just one ramp to the
plateau I feel I could have hydra-swarmed his bases, but my transport game just wasn't
good enough (gotta work on that). Add Siege-X's occasional nukes on my bases and
things don't look good for Robocop. :( Anyway, I was eventually eliminated after
starting up secret bases all around the map and having them wiped out by mutalisks (see
screen shot of my 3-hatch comeback attempt getting stomped). Siege-X had about 1/4
the stats of SkinnedYak and me, so he probably died pretty quickly to the mutalisk attack.
Kudos to SkinnedYak; I hope he's on my team next game.
[5/18/98, Green Valleys]
War, perry, Grond and I were looking for a 4v4 and Grond found some people in channel
Brap: Ol'Man, _nightowl_, Cyber_Chump and Novanus. We set it up on Green Valleys.
I was top center (z), perry top left (t), War bottom center (p) and Grond bottom
right (z). We decided to take out Novanus (right center, Protoss) first. We
made a somewhat uncoordinated attack with zerglings and a few zealots and were repulsed.
As the second wave was going in and the third was on its way out of my base, I got
hit with a few red zealots from nightowl (bottom left). I recalled my third wave to
deal with it. Our second wave was repulsed after dealing major damage to Novanus.
I was just sending my zerglings back to the center when another wave of zealots
came in. I had plenty of zerglings to deal with it but they somehow didn't engage
and were mostly to the center when I noticed my workers dying. By the time I got
back and took care of the zealots I had just one drone left. Perry guarded my base
for me while I built up. Novanus died. I recovered and we went to left center
where Ol'Man had a lot of blue bunkers and tanks right at the entrance to his valley.
We killed the bunkers and were going in when we started getting pounded by tanks on
the cliffs! We retreated and regrouped. We had no flyers and couldn't really
hit blue until we had some. So I took a dozen hydras and some zerglings to nightowl
(bottom left) and pretty much took him out (sweet revenge!). War joined in and we
scraped his base off the map. He had a plateau expansion somewhere. About this
time perry took out Cyber_Chump's hive cluster at top right. He escaped to blue's
base to attempt a rebuild. With three opponents down we still couldn't crack blue's
defense, and only one enemy had been eliminated. Also our bases were getting raided
by mutalisks and carriers, hit-and-run style. We started to go air. I got a
group of mutalisks and started scouring the plateau. I found a blue expansion left
of his main base and took it out. I then started after the cliff tanks. After
they were down there was a mad rush into blue's base (where white was trying to rebuild)
with LOTS of troops (see screen shot, notice four colors of attacking troops). Red's
plateau expansion was just below that, surrounded by 10 or 12 cannon. I turned all
my mutas into guardians, killed red's two carriers with scourge, and took out the towers.
My teammates rushed in to eliminate him. White had been eliminated with
blue's main base. Blue still had a building somewhere but he surrendered. Game
time was 1:10.
[5/11/98, Char Magma] Toes and some of his friends from channel Feet
(tort, ScottyWar, Assassin) came to BB looking for a 4v4. We had only three (me,
War, Anduril) so we asked Zima~~ to join us. He did and we played a laggy 8-way on
Char Magma. I discovered Assassin with my overlord and sent in zerglings, with my
allies following. We took his base down fast. After fending off a small
Toesian attack on Anduril, we went to ScottyWar's place and wiped him out. Next we
went to tort's place, killing Assassin's recovery attempt along the way (see shot).
By the time tort was dying, Toes surrendered and the game was ours. Later I went to
channel Feet and talked with Toes. He seems a nice guy and his channel seems to
often have decent players.
[5/11/98, Homeworld] War and Andrew and I were in Kali
looking for a game when the Twilight's Hammer gang (Xavier~~, Zima~~ and Monglor~~) said
they'd take us on. We started at right, right bottom and left bottom, and they were
left center, top left, and top right. We met in the middle and took out Xavier (top
right), except he flew some buildings away. We were working on controlling the
center when Zima took out my main base with a big force of marines. I had an
expansion but like Xavier I was mostly out of the game. There were wild running
battles through the middle for a long time. War's probes (bottom right) got raided
but he emerged ok. War, Anduril and Monglor had expansions; Xavier and I were
finally starting to pump troops again. Then we noticed Zima trying to expand right
near Andrew's main base. After a couple of attempts I took that out. Zima,
out of money, surrendered. After a few more minutes it became obvious that we had
control of all the resources, and the others surrendered. It was a good game, and I
look forward to playing the ~~ guys in the future.
[5/10/98, Green Valleys] War, Grond and I couldn't find a
game, so we decided to host a 3v4 and just play whoever showed up. ||cherry|| and
||Cheetah|| and two others (Mordred & RIZEN) joined and we somehow ended up playing on
Killing Fields. War got swarmed with zerglings from the || guys and was eliminated,
but Grond and I took out their bases and won. Cherry ended up disconnecting and when
I messaged him about it he came to BB and we started talking. He thought we cheated
but we explained that we didn't, and he explained that he didn't disconnect (stupid flaky
bnet). He got Cheetah and another friend ||Zerocool1|| and we played again on
Killing Fields. They were all Zerg. We lost to the same early double zergling
attack. We rematched on Green Valleys. They took me out fast with the early
zergling double (see screen shot) but War and Grond came back to win it. Another
rematch, this time on Homeworld; I was again eliminated early. War and Grond won it
again. :) It seems that the || guys neglect workers enough to take out one opponent,
but at the expense of their middle game. Anyway, it was an interesting series and a
good lesson about the power and weakness of the combined early zergling rush.
[5/5/98, Homeworld] I created a 4-way FFA because no BB people
were on. :( I started top right and made a bunch of zerglings, then hydras. I
sent zerglings to every mine and burrowed them, and continued making hydras; I expanded
above me. Just as my exp was starting to pump, along comes an enormous group of
orange zealots from 300ZXTT, who started left middle, pretty far away. I sent my
hydras to my exp but he took it down, took down my hydras, and then proceeded to take down
my base!! I tried to stay cool (this was not easy) and I sent a drone to right
middle and made a new hatchery, just before my main base died. I sent my few
remaining hydras and some drones I had run off and burrowed, and I started life anew,
fifteen minutes into the game. I built up quickly, as I had about 10 drones once
they all arrived. I built a new pool, second hatch, den, and played defense for a
while. Soon I expanded to my right and up. Every now and then one of my spy
zerglings would die as someone put up an expansion and built a tower or overlord
there. Eventually Luke'00, who was below me, sent some yellow wraiths to my
place. After madly looking around for an overlord I killed the cloakers with
hydras. Luke also sent a ghost, who launched a nuke at me! Luckily I found him
before the nuke struck. I started building guardians and scourge for
retaliation. 300ZXTT sent a huge force of zealots and dragoons at my base, but my
hydras and especially my guardians pretty much wiped that out without many
casualties. I then sent a queen down to Luke and parasited a group of 4
battlecruisers (boy are they big!) and some wraiths. Luke killed my queen and moved
his fleet off to the side, presumably hiding. I saw the whole thing of course and I
attacked with 6 distraction mutalisks, followed by two dozen scourge. I ended up
killing everything except a single cruiser, then hightailed the mutas back home.
With his big boppers gone, I started on the offensive. I took out Luke's expansion
attempt on the right side with guardians. Then I attempted to get into his main
base, but he had some more wraiths by then and so instead I brought the guardians slightly
toward the center, where Luke had an expansion near his front door. Just about this
time, 300ZXTT took out my newly-rebuilt second expansion at the top again (oh well).
My guardians took out Luke's little expansion while the scourge and mutas killed his
air. For the next 5 minutes I scraped Luke off the map with my guardian
spatula. Suddenly 300ZXTT dropped, then Luke surrendered, and it was just me and
Sylpheed the Zerg. I was at the unit limit by this time so it was just
send-and-kill. By the end, I was exhausted but happy that I was able to come from
behind and win it.
[5/4/98, Homeworld] TheBorg (also known as Bealzebob) and I
were hanging in channel BB and we decided to go to #kali. We asked for a 2v2 there
and Turanos and Qvxz (?) said they'd play us on Hunters. I was Zerg and Borg was
Protoss; T and Q were Terran and Zerg. We attacked early and took out Q.
Turanos wanted a rematch, so he got ~Genocide as a Terran partner and we played again (on
Char Magma); we got our clocks cleaned because I didn't attack, being in general afraid of
Terran defenses. TheBorg then took off and War became my partner. We played on
Homeworld (see stats shot). War and I decided to double early; we found Genocide
and took him out with Zealots and Zerglings, before he could link up with his
partner. They wanted a rematch, so we played again on Char Magma. Again, we
found ~Genocide and took him out for the win. These sound like easy wins but they
were not; I was going full Zergling the whole time, no upgrades or den or anything until
way late (after the first kill). Turanos and Genocide are also very cool guys, and
I hope to play them again in the future.
[5/3/98, Station Unrest] I didn't know this map that well but
I agreed to play with War in a 2v2 against a pair we met in Opponents Wanted: Monkey_Child
and Torrid_2. The map is long and skinny, and I was bottom middle while War was far
left. Both opponents were on the right side, near each other. We sent in an
early attack, but it was repulsed (!) because they were very close and able to help each
other. They counterattacked me, but since my place was on War's way to their places,
he had guys in my town. We defended my town and there was a lull while we expanded
and upgraded. We then attacked with a very big army and caught Monkey off guard and
took his town. We then got Torrid's expansion and eventually we found his main town
right under our noses (told you I didn't know this map). Finally we found Monkey's
expansion, also right under our noses. War actually made some scouts!! Anyway,
it was a great game and the stats are pictured.
[4/29/98, Homeworld] Anduril and I played Shing0 and Zeki;
they were Terran and we were Zerg. We did our (currently) normal d12-pool order and
took out Zeki's base (bottom left) pretty quickly with Zerglings. He must have had a
safety depot somewhere because he was not eliminated -- we never did find him, even though
we had all the resources staked out by the end. After hitting Zeki we ran top right
to Shing's place; he fought off the first wave after taking a beating for a while.
The second wave had hydras and so we took out his base. He tried to fly his
buildings away and we got most of them with hydras, but as you can see from the screen
shot, his command center escaped and traveled a VERY long way. When I found it, I
surrounded it with hydras, but he managed to find some water to hover over -- I couldn't
finish him. I had no flyers yet but I did have a nest, so I made a queen and
infested his command center, eliminating him and prompting the hiding Zeki to
surrender. Pretty cool ending!
[4/22/98, Homeworld] This is a shot taken from a 3v3 BBvTW
game (Anduril, Yagr, me vs JohnWBooth, [mastermind], Haig). Note how the guy we are
killing here (Haig) has gone to the trouble of making dropships in order to place seige
tanks on the walls...interesting use of time and resources...especially that he did it
while we were killing off his two teammates....
[4/21/98, Green Valleys] Four BBers (War, Anduril, Yagr and I)
decided to play a BB game (also known as an emag). But before we could start, along
came Grond (former #macwarcraft dweller) with three Blizzard employees as allies, so we
decided to do the 4v4. As you can see from the stats, three of us were Zerg and War
was Protoss. The speed was good and nobody dropped (for the whole game!) and BB was
in good spirits. We met in the middle and decided to take out Bealzebob. He
didn't survive the four-on-one, but as we were mopping up, War got hit hard and his entire
base was destroyed. He escaped with a few probes and made a new town (in Bealzebob's
former base) just before he was to have been eliminated. The rest of us didn't take
kindly to this attack and so after we re-secured War's old base and the middle, we sent a
great force of hydras toward Swinger, who was pumping mutalisks. Mutas die to
massed hydras, and we took out yellow's expansion and then his base, but he wasn't
eliminated (he had expanded on the plateau, we assumed). Grond was next on the hit
list, but he also was not eliminated. I was pumping hydras like crazy and didn't
have any air to go looking for the aqua and yellow expansions; Anduril and Yagr took care
of this. By now War was back on his feet, and he helped us to sweep over Perry's
terran bases. Our flyers took out the remaining hidden expansions and the game was
ours. Another glorious victory for the Burning Blade!
[4/19/98, The Hunters] War and I played three games against
Madoshi. In the first, War's ISP dropped and Madoshi gave me an allied victory (nice
guy!). But before this, I noticed that Madoshi and his partner were making only zerglings,
huge bunches of them. They were in my base killing me when War dropped. I was still trying
to pump out a couple of hydras and they were all over me. This got me to thinking about
zerglings and so I pumped a huge number of them very quickly. It wasn't enough to win the
2 on 1, but it was enough to convince me that zerglings are very very cool. Anyway, after
the allied victory, Madoshi got a different partner (Khorock) and we played again twice
more. This time I pumped Zerglings like an insane person and both games we won very
quickly; I didn't make a den and War didn't have any dragoons. In the first game Madoshi
rushed me but I was ready; I beat it off and rushed back. War was there with his zealots
(made 3 gateways in the first 7 or 8 minutes) and we took out Madoshi, then mopped up
Khorock. In the rematch War and I took the rush a step further, attacking Khorock early
with zealots and zerglings. We took him out. Madoshi knocked out my economy but I still
had a lot of zerglings and we took his base out too. Madoshi flew his buildings (Terran
this time) and we futzed around for a few minutes, but since the game ended at 13:15
elapsed time, the rush must have been very quick indeed. This was an intense lesson in
rushing and my game has changed forever.
[4/18/98, POS '98] Two guys named }{olycow and }{olytuer (from
the }{oly Family) challenged MetaVark and
me to a game on POS. Their records were very good, like 60/6 and 55/4. We were both Zerg
and they were both Terran. Meta and I started in the lower middle left and right spots. We
found them before they found us -- orange was just above Meta and white was two slots
above me. Orange found Meta so I sent my guys to Meta's place expecting an attack. We were
together when orange attacked and so we beat it off. We then went to orange's place. In
the meantime, orange and white had found me and send a combined army to my place. They hit
me just after we hit orange. I had time to make a few more guys so I held them off long
enough for us to cook orange for good. They killed all my workers and some buildings, but
I had an expansion so I was not dead. I gradually built up and took back my base while
Meta took out orange. We also took out an attempted expansion/rebuild by orange. By this
time I was back on my feet and all that remained was to watch for expansions and take out
white, which we did (see the screen shot, taken at the end of the game). It was a hard
fought battle but BB prevailed. The }{oly guys were upset, saying they didn't play well.
How can you possibly think you played well if you lost??
[4/16/98, Hidden Shrine] This is the last explosion in one of
many 3v3 games I played with Metavark and War on this night. The only good expansions are
in the center (we took them, see green (purple, me), yellow (Meta) and brown(War) there in
the middle) and we finished everyone off without much trouble. MetaVark is getting really
good at the hydra swarms...
[4/16/98, The Hunters] My
first team game (actually my second, we aborted the first when an opponent dropped. I was
accidentally attacking our own stuff...) was victory for the Burning Blade, mainly thanks
to MetaVark and War. We rushed them with hydras of course. :)
[4/15/98, Sherwood Forest] This is the first BB game with
BB-Robocop style nicks. We won easily. Metavark rules!
[4/9/98, Char Magma] Legend had to quit early just as my main
base was dying, totally overrun. I had expanded, and I rebuilt at my expansion, pumped a
billion hydras for defense, spied all the mines, expanded again, got mutalisks, killed all
enemy expansion attempts, and eventually they ran out of money and gave up. They accused
me of cheating numerous times. :) :)
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