Robocop's Starcraft Page

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Old news:

3/21/99: Clan Burning Blade adds Diino to the roster.   Welcome!

3/9//99: Starcraft Legacy is now the official host of Winters Bot.

3/8/99: Released Winters bot v1.1.4.  This fixes a bug which was causing the bot to crash.  In other news, data from the final days of the Winters bot "checkin" program showed Winters bots being used in 493 different channels over a period of 48 hours.  This was well beyond the scope of the original "provide help and technical support" role of the checkin, and so the checkin is gone.  Thanks for putting up with it from 1.0 until 1.1.2.   Big Brother is no longer watching.

3/5/99: Released Winters bot v1.1.3.  Some new features include autopurge, autodesignate, ban text, and the elimination of the check-in message.

2/15/99: Added another story.

2/12/99: Released Winters bot v1.1.2.  This is a major security release which I recommend everyone get.  It fixes a serious security breach which allowed anyone to gain bot master status.  I also added new FAQs and a section on Winters security near the bottom of the Winters bot page.

2/2/99: Added a paragraph to the end of the HOBB timeline, about BB's adventures on

2/1/99: Added yet another Zerg build order.

1/28/99: Added another Zerg build order.  Added lurker and devourer to the Zerg units page.

1/26/99: Released Winters bot v1.1.1.

1/25/99: Released Winters bot v1.1.  I have stopped using the 1.0x version numbers.  Subsequent minor releases will be 1.1.x, and subsequent major releases will be 1.x.

1/13/99: Released Winters bot v1.07, with new botmail feature, among other things.  (If your 1.07 Winters bot does not report the time botmail was sent, download it again -- I fixed a bug.)

1/5/99: Released Winters bot v1.06.

1/4/99: Added another story.  Removed old (pre-1.04) information from the Zerg Build Orders page.   Added a 1.04 build order.  Made more changes to the Zerg tips in an effort to bring them up to version 1.04.  Added "punchingbag" and "enforcer" to the BB glossary.

12/29/98: Added another story.

12/18/98: Released Winters bot v1.05.

12/17/98: Starcraft 1.04 (and Brood War) make many old strategies obsolete.  In particular, the Zerg are no longer a rushing race, but a defensive, expand-and-power race.   Sunkens are very powerful.  Someday I may update my Zerg tips, but until then, remember that 1.04 changes lots of stuff.

12/13/98: Released Winters bot v1.04.

12/10/98: Released Winters bot version 1.03, which includes bug fixes and custom greet messages.

12/9/98: Released Winters bot version 1.02.

12/8/98: Added a few FAQs to the BB-Winters page.

12/7/98: Winters bot 1.0 is now available for download.   See the BB-Winters page for more info.

12/4/98: Updated the BB-Winters page to describe new features and commands.

11/12/98: Added two new stories about the Brood War beta.

10/20/98: Added a new page about BB-Winters, the bot for channel BB.

10/2/98: Added a new section to the Zerg tips, about island games.  Also made some changes to the build orders and Zerg units pages.

9/17/98: Added a rating system to the maps page.

9/16/98: The emergence of the Starcraft Compendium's maps page allowed me to put up all new graphics on my maps page.  I also added comments for Island Hop and Dire Straits.

9/15/98: Added another story.

9/8/98: Added a screen shot and a few tips to the allied games part of the Zerg tips.

8/27/98: Revamped the build orders section of the Zerg tips.

8/21/98: Revamped the general tips section of the Zerg tips, and added a new Zerg units page.

8/17/98: Added link to RTSGamers, a site with information on several RTS games, including Starcraft.

7/16/98: Added a link to Blizzard's new official information site, Starcraft Compendium.

7/6/98: Ack, accidentally (according to Bob) wiped a bunch of accounts.   I lost Robocop and BB-Winters, and several people I know (BFitz, perry) lost their nicks as well.  I was able to recreate BB-Winters but someone snatched Robocop in the interim!  So log in and recreate your nicks if necessary, quick before someone grabs them.  Bob says there will be no restoration of lost nicks.  I added Dance to the BB glossary, and I added last-verified dates to the BB RL Greet List.  I also added a story about a lamer...

6/29/98: Added comments for Elderlands and Station Unrest to the maps page.  Added three more stories.

6/26/98: Good news!  My map Elderlands has been posted by Blizzard as the .SCM of the Week!  Those of you that have the preliminary version (formerly located on my maps page) should probably upgrade to the official version.

6/25/98: Added the second batch of high-quality maps to the maps page: Char Magma, Bridge to Bridge '98, The Hunters, Plains of Snow '98, Homeworld, Green Valleys, Station Unrest and Orbital Death.  Once again thanks to Anduril and Bfitz of Clan Burning Blade for supplying the graphics!  I also removed my custom maps (pending publication elsewhere...).

6/24/98: Snarfed Chad's pktunit screenshot for the BB glossary.  Moved old news to the new old news page. :)

6/22/98: Added another story.

6/21/98: Added a link to War's Starcraft Page.  War is a fellow BBer and Protoss expert. :)

6/18/98: Added a new story.

6/17/98: The Burning Blade RL Greet List is now up...BBers, send in your info!

6/16/98: Made many updates and changes to the general Zerg tips page.  Added comments to A Bridge Too Near, Sherwood Forest, Lost Temple, Green Valleys and Char Magma on the maps page.  Added Iriot to the BB glossary. :)

6/14/98: Added a legend to the Zerg tips -- Unit table page (it's at the bottom); now the table should be more understandable.  Also added the rest of the maps from Printable SCMs to the maps page.  Dug up a really ancient BB page.  Added HOBB and Orz to the BB glossary.

6/12/98: Reorganized the Zerg tips page, giving it several sub-pages.  It should now be easier to navigate.

6/9/98: Put a link to Starcraft Legacy on the links page.  Added a little screen shot of channel BB.  Added entries to the BB glossary: Future Point, Rush, Storm, and .¿..

6/7/98: Added comments for Killing Fields and Eruption (the new .SCM of the Week) to the maps page.  Added another story.

6/2/98: Installed the unit table, which has stats and info for units of all races.

5/29/98: Finally got around to making that link-to-me button.

5/28/98: Added a big section to the Zerg tips page about allied games.

5/27/98: Added the first batch of super-high-quality maps to the maps page.  Thanks to Bfitz and Anduril of Clan Burning Blade for supplying the graphics.  The new maps are for Killing Fields, Challenger, River Crossing, Road War, Space Madness, The Small Divide and Volcanis.  Also added a link to Force Dogcow: Mac Starcraft, who named us "link of the day". :)

5/26/98: Added a new story.

5/25/98: Added a Zerg tips section about some strategies I'm starting to get better at; also added several miscellaneous tips.  Added another story.

5/22/98: Added a new story.  Removed Station 17 and Starstats. :(

5/20/98: Added the d5-pool build order and a section on free-for-all games to the Zerg tips page.  Added Star Shack and demoted Station 17 on the links page. Made another entry in the BB glossary. :)

5/19/98: Added a new story.  Added Lost Temple to the maps page.

5/12/98: Added three more stories.

5/5/98: Reorganized the story page, replacing the full-size screen shots with thumbnails; the page should load much more quickly now. :)  I also put up a new story.  I added the BB Glossary and Reppas' accounts to the BB page.  Put a few more comments under Char Magma and Homeworld in the maps page.

5/4/98: Made a few additions and changes to the Zerg tips page (added section on build orders).  Added two new stories.

4/30/98: Reorganized links page.  Added a new story.

4/29/98: BB logos page.

4/28/98: Added SCFinger links for BB Starcraft nicks to the Burning Blade page.

4/27/98: Added three original maps to the maps page.   Added links to Sniperman's gaming page and two of the Burning Blade clan pages.   Added more praise for hydras to the Zerg tips.

4/24/98: Tweaks and touch-ups; added text to main, BB, and Zerg pages; reorganized the stories so the most recent ones are at the top; added the Ugliest BB Logo Ever.

4/23/98: The page was getting big so I split it into several pieces.  I also made a few updates to the Zerg tips.  I put up a first cut at the History of the Burning Blade.

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